Please register me for Glens G&G Finale giveaway.
Mavis Cheng,
Preference #1 Currant/#2 Cherry shrub/ #3 Asparagus
Please register me for Glens G&G Finale giveaway.
Mavis Cheng,
Preference #1 Currant/#2 Cherry shrub/ #3 Asparagus
Hi Charlie!
Please register us for the Garden Giveaway. What is available? Prefer blueberries and raspberries.
Example Posting - G&G Finale Giveaway Request
Please register me for Glens G&G Finale giveaway.
John Doe,
Preference #1 Currant/#2 Blueberry/#3 Cherry shrub
2023 Gardens & Giving Finale perennials giveaway!
The Glens CA will have several food producing perennials for Fall planting. Available for request include blueberry, currant, cherry shrub, raspberries, rhubarb and asparagus.
Register as a member of this group, and post your preferences, see examples below; name, email address, preferences are required
John Doe;
#1 currant #2 blueberry #3 asparagus
I can offer to dig up and share: Hens and Chickens: Joe Pi, Daisies, and Fiddlehead ferns if anyone is interested.
Thanks for reponding.. Your preferences are registered.