Hello Glens Neighbours,
The first community consultation group meeting for the Woodroffe and Fallowfield Grade Separation and the Barrhaven LRT Environmental Assessment was held November 29th, 2018. The presentation describing the project is attached, along with notes from the consultation meeting.
Don Lafontaine is the Environmental Watch Director for the Glens Community Association. Don presented concerns on behalf of the Glens CA. Please contact him if you have comments/concerns that you would like taken to the consultation group. The exact date of the next meeting has not yet been set (see below - spring 2019).
The consultation will extend over a couple of years. Aside from the small group consultation meetings, there will be 2 public open houses where all residents can view the progress/proposals and offer comments.
Timelines are:
1. Winter 2018/19 – Spring 2019: Study Existing Conditions; Develop Alternative Designs
*Consultation Groups and Public Open House 1*
2. Summer 2019: Develop Recommended Plan
3. Fall/Winter 2019: Preliminary Recommended Plan
*Consultation Groups and Public Open House 2*
*Present to Committee and Council*
4. Winter 2019/20:
Commence Transit Project Assessment Process
A few points from the meeting:
From past studies, geotechnical factors require that the Woodroffe and Fallowfield rail grade separations will be overpasses (not underpasses).
The current bus transit way will be converted to LRT between Baseline station and Barrhaven town centre.
Cycling and pedestrian traffic will be part of the plan, as well as environmental protection and wildlife corridors.
The NCC indicated that a low profile must be used to minimize the visual impact, This is helpful from an accessibility prospective as the 3% grade will allow pathways to be consistent with accessibility guidelines.
Consideration will be given to impacts such as noise, vibration, air quality, etc.
The Glens Board will provide updates periodically. I hope this gives you a bit of background of this project.