Ottawa – You are invited to fill out an online questionnaire about the City’s Transportation Master Plan update until Friday, October 23.
Despite the significant impact that COVID-19 has had on Ottawa’s transportation system, the City is moving forward with an update to the plan. The update will be based on the information available, in consultation with stakeholders, other levels of government, elected officials and residents.
The update to the Transportation Master Plan will review the ways in which people, vehicles and goods move through our city, and how we can achieve this mobility more responsibly and sustainably for all, including those who have mobility challenges.
The update will be tied closely to Ottawa’s Active Transportation Plan, which will combine the Ottawa Pedestrian Plan and the Ottawa Cycling Plan into one document to guide development of the city’s pedestrian and cycling network.
For this phase of engagement, we are seeking input on:
The Active Transportation Plan
Fair and equitable transportation systems
New technologies that are changing the way we move around the city
You can use our online mapping activity to identify missing pedestrian and cycling facilities that you would like us to consider and prioritize as part of the Active Transportation Plan.
Visit where you will find the online questionnaire and a link to the mapping activity, as well as an introductory video, a discussion paper on new mobility, and a report on what we heard in Phase 1 about residents’ priorities and vision for the future of transportation in Ottawa.
Transportation planning decisions affect all Ottawa residents and businesses. Fill out the questionnaire today.
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